>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Take A Hint
Depression is nourished by a lifetime of ungrieved and unforgiven hurts
Atlanta Teenager’s Suicide Sparks New Look at Blacks and Depression
“Today, we’re seeing a rise in suicide among African-Americans, not just in teens, but in adults, too Abdullah said, adding that, overall, there has been an increase in depression among blacks."
This headline caught my attention and saddens me. I can only imagine an incident like this happening to my children or those of a love one.
This headline is just one recent example indicating the importance of more inspirational and motivational sources, like ours. So I am taking this opportunity to campaign for your support.
This problem is not unique to Atlanta, Georgia or the United States, but worldwide.
You may ask how the heck will a website help alleviate depression??
• Everybody wants to be on the web, except may be you and/or our men folk. Our children are there.
• The web is a starting point to constructively employ our kids, ourselves and to play a more active role in that process.
It can be a great learning platform. It is easy and simple to use.
• The web is one of the best sources for mass communication and information, 24/7. Just a wealth of knowledge when utilized properly.
You may ask what can you do to help allivate depression?
• Well, "nothing" is not the answer, it is the problem.
• You can create and/or take advantage of income opportunities.
• Take responsibility, they are our kids, irregardless or whether you personally have any or not. We must work together to demonstrate more love and caring. Without these, it is all for a zero.
• If you do not know the answer, work with someone who does. Be apart of the solution, not the problem.
Instead of fearing advancement in technology or wishing computers and internet will go away, taking advantage of them.
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Read the full story Click here to read the full story and see Tom Joyner
Until our next Ezine.
Whatever your God-given purpose,
"Get It Done" and
"Nothing Happens For You Until You Take Action".
We Love You,
Please Pass It On!
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