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![]() | "E-zine, Issue #19 April 10, 2005 |
Hi This is Art Thomas, Copywriter, Publisher and Webmaster "Ezine" Visit Us!
10 April 2005
There are 3 kinds of people in the world: ... Make it Happen!!! Thanks again for allowing us the opportunity to share with you. Subject: Broke, Busted and/or Disgusted It has been a minute since I wrote last. The reason is that so much has been going on and I did not know how to capture it. I guess the best way to sum it up is Broke, Busted and/or Disgusted. But today I am inspired again. Much of it had to do with my own personal situation and the other with my surroundings. It has come to me that the best way to bring it out is to start with myself, something like a little role playing---Broke, Busted and/or Disgusted. May be it will inspire you or help some body else along the way. Those results will bring about some crazy thoughts and if you are not careful, some crazy actions. I was very concerned that I would pass them on to you through my writings. Now, isn’t that pretty thoughtful and nice of me to consider not passing such a tremendous burden on to you. Well here is the bottom line: I know today that I was very wrong. You get what you give and the kinds of things that I have been going through is exactly what my website is all about, helping each other to grow through whatever trials and tribulations that we are going through. Me, not saying anything makes me guilty of the same concerns that I write about. So I apologize for leaving you out of the action. The good news is there is plenty more action to go around :-0 I have at least 3 major topics to cover ---Relationships, Traffic and Money/Monetize.
Relationships My goal especially since 1998 has been to create more meaningful and lasting relationships, without losing my self in them. The good news is it is working, the bad news is it is slow as all get-out and my own frustrations as I make mistakes, lumps and bumps of coaching myself through them. The decisions I make affect the lives of those involved and associated with me.
Why I coach myself because There is nobody else I know who would want that job. I am a loner and I am often disappointed in and by the system. For me it just doesn’t work and in my opinion it is becoming even less dependable. And there are half of dozen other reasons. Bottom line here is: Relationships are about time and actions. That is productive time, not selfish time. That is action that help others not just actions that help yourself.
Have You Approached Anyone With this issue, problem or situation
Who The bottom line here is I offer everyone I meet, the opportunity for us to seriously work together and so far it has been great but still not enough money. Money for what???---To free my nursing home bound mom and me. Money to help others in need of money.
What Has Been the Response Bottom line here is: These are responses from people who claim to help everyone everywhere and all the time. I surmise that what they are doing is helping themselves. Well, just think about it for one minute. If you have something good going on, would not you be excited to share it with everyone, any and all the time. They do not want to share their piece of the rock, they are greedy, selfish and afraid. Afraid of what---losing what they have or you are going to get more than they have. The attitude that he does not have anything so why should I waste my time with him. Now, you see it in Black and White but does it make any sense? What will I do about My situation When help is asked of me, I always have time, am willing to help and normally exceed expectations. I go out of my way to help others and I will continue because I understand from where my blessings come. That is not from others but from what I do. I will not be deceived by folk who pretend to help others but in reality are just helping themselves. Traffic and List Building My goal is to drive as much of it as I can to my website and to build as larger list as I can. I am told that some are subscribing or joining but it is not coming through. I say keep at it until you receive a copy of my ezine. Our subscription is free and double opt-in. Which means you must take two actions to subscribe or join us. First you enter your first name and email address and you get an immediate thank you. Second you will receive an email from us to confirm your subscription, you must respond to that email before our computer will add you to our list. We do not want to sell our list, it is one means of measuring our success and our willingness to work together. You don’t even have to read our email but you can contribute to our success on the www by simply sharing that information with us. Others steal it and there’s nothing to be done about it. You may not agree with all I write but you can show some appreciation for my universal effort to serve and reach out to others. Last but not least, your input is always welcome to do the same. Monetization That means money, for which I have asked no one. I am not begging for it but I am begging for us to take advantage of the opportunity to work together to earn it. There are unlimited opportunities and means to make money on the web. You can even get paid from a click. Our first priority is to stay here and we need enough subscribers to do that and that is my push and stage that I am in. We have done a great job at putting together our site. It has plenty of helpful information and room for more.
Summary What we have been doing has gotten us to where we are today. In order for us to further those efforts we must do more which equates to something different. Through a successful website we can achieve a universal/unconditional effort to provide company to the lonely, food for the hungry and money for the poor. A safe place on the web for our kids to play, adult entertainment, prudent and proven information. If this ain’t different then what is? If this ain’t needed then what is? Our money and effort need to go to someone, somewhere who ain’t afraid to use it where, when and for what it is needed. “All by voting for us by subscribing/joining and uniting in effort” Thank you and have a great week,
Art Thomas The Voice Please Visit and Subscribe! PS. With God ALL things are possible. Matthew 19:26 "Talking to God All Night" "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation"(v.17) -- For reading & meditation: 2 Corinthians 5:14-21 We ended yesterday by saying that because Paul had died to all self-interest, he was not at the mercy of ambiguity and uncertainty. Sure of God, he was sure of the future. You see, if you don't surrender to God, don't think you don't surrender. Everybody surrenders to something. If you don't surrender to God, then you will surrender to something else - your moods, your circumstances, your fears, your self-centred concerns. And if you do, you will end up becoming downcast and disillusioned. A doctor tells of being called to see a patient, the head of a large company, who was having increasing attacks of asthma. The doctor could find no physical basis for the asthma, and so he asked the man: "Is there anything troubling you?" The patient replied: "No, doctor, I'm a member of a church, in fact an official in the church - nothing is troubling me." The next day the patient again sent for the doctor and said to him: "Yesterday I told you nothing was troubling me, but I've been talking to God all night. I looked at the ceiling and saw the words: 'Seek first the kingdom of God..' Doctor, I've been seeking my own kingdom. I've been a completely self-centred man. But last night something happened to me. I'm seeking first the kingdom of God." The doctor said: "I went away with tears streaming down my cheeks. I had seen the birth of a soul." Surrender means not just the birth of a soul, but the birth of everything - new relationships, new perspectives on life, new power to face whatever comes, and a new sense of certainty and belonging - a new everything. PRAYER: O Father, it is obvious that unless my confidence is placed in the Ultimate, then I will not be able to cope with the immediate. Help me to be a fully surrendered person. For surrendered to You, I need surrender to nothing else. Amen.
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