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![]() | Weekly #14 March 15, 2005 |"Weekly"
Tuesday, 15 March 2005 Hi Everybody, Just a quick note to let you know that we are alive and kicking, to remind you to tune into our website and stay tuned in. I also would like to welcome our new subscribers. One means for us to survive on the world wide web is through subscribers. That is why we push it so hard. May be I did not write it correctly or whatever but please subscribe and encourage others to do the same There's no fee, no spam, scams or viruses; the more subsbribers we have the more secure on the web we become. I would like to welcome your input and suggestions to make our site more meaningful, so feel free. This is our chance to make a big difference. I predict that there are some great things happening to and for us. As soon as they unfold certainly we will share them with you. Some have inquired about our scripture reading; where and how is it generated. I would like you to know that it is written and distributed daily by a friend from Savannah, GA. We thank her for sharing. Last but not least, I ask that you continue to keep us in your prayers and I will do the same for you. I just believe in the power of prayer. I'll include a list of things that I am aware of: Knee replacement surgery Loss of a family member Over-whelmed with the stress of the day Terrible colds and allergies No income Success in working together Enjoy and have a great week. The Voice PS. Here is one of her messages from this week, that I thought would be great to share How Do I Rate? "Examine yourselves to see whether you are in the faith; test yourselves." (v.5) -- For reading & meditation: 2 Corinthians 13:1--14 As we conclude our study of the Beatitudes it is time for us to take a simple test. Ask yourself the following questions and see how many of Christ's "beautiful attitudes" have been assimilated into your life:
1. Am I trying to grasp things from God's hands or are my hands relaxed and empty so that I might receive? 2. Do I shrink from painful experiences or do I welcome them in the knowledge that they will make me a more sensitive person? 3. Am I so sure of God and His resources that I am free from a spirit of demandingness and over-concern? 4. Is my goal to be happy, or is it to be holy? Am I more taken up with getting pleasure out of God than I am with giving pleasure to God? 5. Do I have a deep compassion and concern for the plight of others? 6. Is my heart clean and pure? Have I experienced an inner cleansing that has reached to the deepest depths? 7. Am I a reconciler -- one who seeks to reconcile others to God and, where necessary, to each other? 8. Am I so identified with Christ that I experience the hatred which the world gives to those who remind them of Him? Don't be discouraged if you can't see all of these "beautiful attitudes" at work in your life. Remember, we grow in grace. Ask God, however, to help you absorb more and more of His "beautiful attitudes" day by day. The more you have, the more you are to be envied. Possess them all -- and you are truly blessed. Prayer: Lord Jesus, I have listened to Your words and I realise now the Word must become flesh -- in me. I want the balance of my days here on earth to reflect, not my attitudes, but Yours. Help me, for Your own Name's sake. Amen. I thought this made a great "About Us" page. ![]() |
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