With God ALL things are possible. Matthew 19:26
Issue #004
Friday, February 11, 2005
Lop-Sided Christians
"' if anything is excellent or praiseworthy - think about such
things." (v.8)
-- For reading & meditation: Philippians
We continue to look at the dramatic change in the life of the psalmist when he
entered into the sanctuary. It is important to realize that it was not merely
the physical act of entering the sanctuary that brought about change. That was
important, but something else happened that was even more important. Listen
again to how he puts it: "[When] I entered the sanctuary ' then I
understood their final destiny" (Psa. 73:17). The word to note is
"understood". In the presence of God the psalmist was given clear
understanding. This is an extremely important point and one which cannot be emphasized
too strongly: what he found in the sanctuary was not merely a nice feeling but
a new understanding. He was put right in his thinking. He did not merely forget
his problem for a little while - he found a solution. The idea that many
Christians have of the house of God or Christian fellowship is that it is a
good place to go in order to forget one's troubles for a while. They are
soothed by the music and the singing, or perhaps, in some churches, by the
beauty of the architecture, and they come away saying, "What a lovely
feeling I get whenever I go to church." There is nothing wrong with that
as far as it goes, of course, but the real issue is this: has anything happened
to their minds? The psalmist was not changed by the architecture of the Temple;
he was changed when his thinking was put right: "Then I understood their
final destiny." If the practice of our faith does nothing more than excite
our emotions and fails to give us a better understanding of God and His ways,
then we will be
lop-sided Christians.
O Father, save me from becoming a lop-sided Christian. Give me not only joy to
thrill my emotions but understanding to guide my intellect. In Jesus' Name I
ask it. Amen.
Psa. 48:1-9; 119:59; 1 Sam. 12:24
1. What did the psalmist meditate on in the Temple?
2. What are we to consider?

Happy Valentine's Day!!!!!!
February 14, 2005
God so loV
ed the
That He gA ve
His onL y
BegottE n
T hat whosever
Believeth I n Him
Should N ot perish,
But have E verlasting life."
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early "Valentine" to see if it will make it around the world by Feb.
14th, and to give you the opportunity to spread the good news and share with
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