Wrong, there’s nothing you can do? 

HOw do we right the world?

If there's something turn upside down, how do you turn it right side up?

racism, incest, molestation, domestic violence and abuse, is any of this stuff wrong, is there place for it in our society?

I mean everyday I hear and see injustices being committed and there’s nothing I can do. On a daily basis I hear about and see racism, incest, molestation, domestic violence and abuse and there’s nothing I can do.

Well, I can but if I did I would jeopardize my career, my livelihood, my life.

For example my website: Even though I do not advertise or sell Alcohol or Unhealthy non-alcohol, Cigarettes, Prescription and non prescription Drugs, Sex, Predatory loans, non-applicable education, political scandals or other fancy get rich quick schemes, my website is restricted from the masses. The reason is my website provides enlightenment and empowers people to make a change within them, thereby making a change within the world.

Mandatory reading materials, I remember being made to read this very irrelevant material, while the stuff I needed to read was banned. Why do we fear the truth?

Reading challenging material offering different world views is how we learn empathy and morality. Seeing others as distinct human beings requires work. Banning the truth of YIV is simply asking for our future to be created with blinders.

If I say something, am I willing to accept the consequences? I’m damned if I do and damned if I don’t. Not really because my life has been so enriched by “just telling the truth”.

(((your inner voice.com)))

LIve like you're dead

Sitting In Silence 

YOUR inner voice

Right here, Right now.


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