prison exchange

What is our civilian and military duty, OBLIGATION, commitment to service member, stance ON THIS? Why all animosity?

Who's the real traitor here?

Bergdahl prisoner exchange sparks bipartisan backlash in ... just why would government officials, mass media collaborate against  their Commander in Chief, in this regard?

What if you were a POW? Have you thought on the possibilities? Would you expect your country, fellow Americans, to give up on you? Would you question the integrity, loyalty, commitment of fellow citizens who favor holding political prisoners over negotiating a peaceful exchange for  your release?

Now, what would you think of that and how would that effect your alliegance to your country and fellow countrymen? How would you expect service members to perform if this is not in their favor? Exactly what would be your sacrifice for country?

All the animosity is due to controversy created in Congress, our federal and state government.

(((your inner

Bergdahl prisoner exchange sparks bipartisan backlash in ...

YOUR inner voice

Right here, Right now.


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