Sustaining Solutions

What does sustaining mean and whose sustaining what solutions? Do U know the difference?

Do they ever consult with you before bringing in new businesses, development, road, farm... now matter it be for or against you? What's that saying?

Are you allowed to do anything without first consulting them, then how can they do without consulting you? Why can't you pull your own people out of the hole? Are you depending on them to pull you out? Are you out?

Is it the education or the people behind the education? Will they educate you to compete with them? Then, why did we give up our farming, good wholesome fun living in exchange for their corporate Bullshit? Was it because we were tired of being denied?

Starting the process of being like them, started with being convinced you were never good enough, without their education. So they figured out a way for you to pay them to be equal? Why were we ever unequal, how?

It’s going to get real hot, it’s going to get steamy fulfilling your fancy.

How many sides are there to you, Rich or Poor? Why is that in our vows? That's like saying going for broke, why go for broke? Is that why they have all the money and we have all the sayings?

Defining success? Does your God tell you success is about money? Then why do you work for your enemy? Does He tell you success has to do with CHURCH? Then why do you go to church? Does He tell you it has to do with school, then why do you go to school? Where are your creative juices, what happened?

Think, did you stop thinking for yourself? What got you chasing a dollar, yet justifying it as a necessity for life? How is money a median of exchange for life? why must you pay to live? Why can't you figure out how to get them to pay you just as they figured out a way for you to pay them?

How does a man, uneducated and can't even speak your language, show up at any time start a business, successfully feed his or her families and you can't? how does he get the resources and you can't? Is that you prefer to work a job and cannot figure out the difference? what's the difference between working a job and owning your own business? Why do we say,,,God bless the child who has his own?

Do you see these people working a job? How do they get it when they do not meet the criteria? the better question is how do you explain this phenomenon to self and others? Does your system of education support you having a business or is it a job? Then, what happen to your jobs? Think!

Why can't we work together? What about your broken homes, communities? What about respect from you to your children? Why do you keep lying to them?

You criticize everything I do. All your bad habits, whose going to put up with them? Is he or she going to put up with all your loveable habits? Your lame excuses??? Lying ass about the things you never do?

If you can’t put up with all your lovable invisible habits, how can you expect anyone else?

Invest some time and get it right the first time. Why do you think the Artist painted the face of the above farmer white? Art they doing those things? ARe they sharing? Or are you just working and paying?

How can you provide sustainable solutions when you can't provide them for yourself? What's happening when they all depend on the money you make?

Does sustainable solutions include slavery,jim crow, sharecropping, predatory lending, out sourcing, cheating, slum lords, lying, trickery... whatever it takes, to whoever... Do things ever get that bad? NOw, what do you teach your children?? And wonder why things are the way they are? Is this true to the source? Am I blaming, being too critical? Am I just another angry, misguided, misinformed, uneducated Man?


(((your inner

Stroking the Ego
Sitting in Silence

YOUR inner voice

Right here, Right now.


YOUR inner voice

Right here, Right now.


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