Or is that I've never noticed. The quid pro quo seems to be something right exciting to me, "the something for something"; because I'm tired of doing something for nothing. What do you get for good character?
seems like you get what you give idea, you reap what you sow, put a little in get a little out motto. but anyway, I could be totally wrong but I'm seeing this quid pro quo thing as a new level of consciousness, well at least with me.
it means: Show me yours and I'll show you mine. Great on your clean bill of health, heart healthy is THE ABSOLUTE BEST! I posted because I want someone who wants to know me and can be open and honest.
(((your inner voice.com)))
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This type of quid pro quo is to be avoided.
Quid pro quo harassment is the most commonly recognized form of sexual harassment. It occurs when (1) …
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