Anybody can wear a suit-n-tie, anybody can surround themselves with superficial bullshit to make themselves feel like they are somebody. Why should I appreciate your bullshit more than I appreciate my own? If you look down on me, why in the fuck should I look upto you? What is our system of education doing for and to us? Do you feel me here???? What happens when you can tell me everything, but I can't tell you shit?
Do we even live on the same fucking earth, what's going with that? If the earth is fucked-up, what about your house? IF the economy is fucked up, what about your budget? Which way are we going, the fucked-up way or the straight and narrow?
In what kind of environment do you live and what kind of environment are you creating? Are you saying one thing and doing another? How in the fuck can you get along with yourself, by fooling yourself?
Do our accomplishments make us better or do they inspire self and others to do better? When you know better, you do better. Is it only about you or all of us? Does the accumulation things indicate character?
A pretentious bitch thinks he or she is better than everyone else.
Why do you act so open, when you are as closed as hell? Why the fuck do you want to fool me, why use your pretentious bullshit to throw me off? I already know, this whole fucking country is run by pimps, hustlers and whores, which one are you?
And you want to know why shit is so fucked up? You're pretending to live in the Spa, but you're low-down and dirty, doing "outhouse shit". Be yourself and you won't have to put up with a lot of shit.
(((My name is Art Thomas and I approve this message.)))
(((your inner
Something seriously wrong with our Sistahs