Nigger Street USA

Funky, funky Broadway, when Niggers Gather Together?

Whatever happened to trading? How do we create an economy within an economy without trading? What about future generations? Niggers ain’t thinking like that.

I was downtown and just happened to ride through a part of our town that prior to the early 70’s was called "Nigger Street". As I shared with my friends, they asked why and what happened on Nigger Street? Is this where Black folk hung out?

I replied no, this is where Black folk traded and the worse part about this not so distant memory is, this was the only part of town Black folk were allowed to gather. Yes, the rest of the town was denied to Niggers. And yes, everyone openly, publicly called this street by its locally known name and everyone knew it by this name - Nigger Street.

Today, as you ride down Nigger Street, the only street in town, where Black folk were allowed to gather and trade, all the businesses and resting places have been replaced by a huge Police Department and one little monument that says “Black Plaza”.  

My question to you is, What in the hell can you do with a monument and a police department? What happened to Nigger Street and why? Was it justified? Now, where do we trade and are they offering better deals and how do you invest in your own communities? Have we become the cash cow for our enemy?

The loss of Nigger Street USA was the “powers that be” response to “civil rights and forced integration”?

Unfortunately, Blacks at that time were so happy to be included, they failed to see they were being excluded and still are. The Black community lost its most valuable businesses and means of self-sustainable livelihood, all over “a quest for civil rights and forced integration with a people who will ‘never’ accept you”. Is this why President Obama is having so much trouble addressing his agenda? It does not matter if you are right or wrong, just what they say, be it right of wrong is "always right"?

The sad thing about this whole scenario is, Black Americans never wanted civil rights or integration. All we wanted was to be treated like the human beings we are.

Lost all our businesses and everything! Settling for the less of two evils, we surrendered and gave up our ability to create an economy within an economy. This has caused it to be increasingly difficult for Black folk to survive in America. It has made doing business in America even further out of reach for Black Americans. Our business opportunities have defaulted to immigrants, all over being naïve.

Now, jealousy and envy from within is causing us to self destruct. Because some of us have profited from this great atrocity, they do not want to turn around and go the right way. So they continue influencing us to chase the almighty dollar and holding each other back like a barrel of crabs.

We no longer have an incentive to respect each other, increasingly difficult to come together.

(((your inner

Set the Alarm Clock

Black people humiliated by memories of slavery

Read it again: Blacks Don't REad 

YOUR inner voice

Right here, Right now.


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