My Higher Consciousness; Oneness is the Secret.![]() Crystals help align and balance yOur Mind, Body, and SpiritHotep! My Higher Consciousness is my inner voice, the voice of yOur Creator in Onesness. I am thankful to The Most High(TMH)for opening in me the channels to his energies of guidance, knowledge, wisdom, serenity and love. I enjoy sharing Crystal energy with others. In peaceful Oneness, our natural state of being; I work to assist others stay connected with the voice of TMH by utilizing the healing power in crystals. It is the voice of TMH that I listen to for assistance when utilizing Crystals to perform Spiritual energy healing.
I am a Spiritual Healer who understands "Oneness is the Secret". I channel and release UNIVERSAL energy to others by utilizing Crystal energy to align and balance your 7 chakras. Crystals are highly effective with dis-ease within our mind, body and/or spirit. They enhance our state of Oneness. ![]() Earth’s vibrations can be felt through crystals. Whenever you need to recharge your energy, tap into the energy of a highly charged crystal. This energy has always been a resource to us; we just lost consciousness of its availability. I am here and would like to use my crystals to assist you with understanding the healing effect of the vibrations Earth emits from her body through crystals; which, aligns and balances our minds, bodies, and spirits. ![]() Oneness PouchesThank you for allowing me to share and feel free to contact me for information! My skill sets are available to you and I can be contact via email Renenet Sekhmet. "We're constantly searching for sources of energy, Clean energy, where does it start and how do you tap into it?- Art (((your inner voice.com)))
**Oneness Articles**
other articles by this author, Renenet Sekhmet **2015**
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** The Art Connection**