Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2013

I'm back...Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2013!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!, but exactly what does that mean? What’s the difference in the years you have never lived and the years you have yet to live? Sounds kinda crooked doesn’t it?

As I think back for just a moment, I left my town, my old life behind, looking for a new and I have been looking ever since. what good does it do for you to know any damn thing?

Now, if you just take the past couple of holidays, Christmas and New Years, 2012 on into 2013,,, I keep saying the same things, but nothing ever changes. No matter how I look on the BRIGHTER SIDE OF THIS LIFE, the more I do, the more to be done and this is just what I do to myself….doesn't include what others do to me. At the end of 2012, more than 1,500 people killed on GEORGIA HIGHWAYS alone. Last year, more than 1,500 people died on Georgia highways alone. Will that number go down this year?

HOMELESS, will that number go down this year? Racism against our President, well,,, if they hate our President, how do you think they feel about me??? Is that something, are those things, that kind of thinking, attitude… something to wish anybody Happy New Year about?

Our Seniors, will we treat them any better, Veterans, do we respect, are they worthy or is it better to give it all to our politicians, doctors, lawyers…? Will our divorce rate go down or up, domestic violence!!! Child abuse and Molestation, rape is minor compared to all of that? Remember when being a TRAITOR was considered a serious crime? Traitor or Trader, what’s the difference, BETRAYAL.

Now! I ask myself, what difference will I do? What happens when I betray MY GOD? What exactly do I do to myself? Is that serious matter/nature or what? What am I doing by deceiving others, how does this prosper me, my country? Is this of serious nature? Why would I intentionally deceive your children? What could I expect from them? Though, I do not want to be deceived, I see nothing wrong in or with deceiving someone else, anyone, target groups, republican, democrat, Methodist, Catholic, do you really understand what that means? Wall Street, Main Street, do you really, really understand what we’re doing to ourselves? Why, does it make any, even common sense? Educated, Uneducated, how do you go through life without getting a proper education,,, anything else would be a travesty? How do you teach a man, another fellow human being; yet, his life only gets worse? How is that better, when everything around you is falling down, yet you keep telling yourself, it’s going up? How am I living a better life, when I know, I ALREADY KNOW. Suffering and perishing, what goes around comes around.

Neighbor and I... are we actually getting along better or do I just tolerate  them---Economically and Socially? Does my good neighbor depend on the money, power, prestige or is it all about color? Can I help myself? Why do I keep telling myself there’s a difference and on the backside, I tell myself there’s No difference? How can I want freedom, liberty, Happiness… yet want it denied to the other man? Do you really know how long Black folk have worked for FREE in and for this country,,, do we respect and appreciate that? Listen to yourself well, why did we even, ever do, think… of shit like that,,, and at the same time,,, portray ourselves as talented, no. 1 world power, Technology buffs…

How do we, why do we give a gun on one side and charity on the other,,,do you own a gun, why? Does that mean things are getting better? Don’t fool yourself?

Doubt, Denial and Deceit means you are never good enough for self and others, so, what good does it do for you to know any damn thing? You will never be Happy, Liberty and Justice for all, how can you when you keep telling yourself you’re doing alright, you’re making progress, look how much progress we’ve made since…. When you already know, it never should have been?

And now,,,today,,, you tell yourself, Oh well, that’s all behind me now!!! What if I killed, murdered… your moma, daddy, children, great grandma, pa…. would that shit be,,, could I just put that,,, Oh well. Could there, would there be any repercussions? Would that not be a real serious offense? Couldn’t I expect,,, is that living, can I just forgive myself as we forgive OTHERs…? Will it help me to read the bible that we have in every prison? How does that make me any different, am I treating myself better or worse,,,justice? And you have the nerve to ask yourself? You act confused, lying, you over complicate matters to keep the average man down? You take every good thing and use it for bad--- People, land and resources? And you have the nerve to call that good, Happy New Year, Merry Christmas, Black Friday…

 Skeptics, doubt, never good enough, disobedient human beings, why do you refuse to acknowledge what you already know? Is it better to listen to a man in authority than to your own inner voice? Do you have an inner voice, do you believe, do you listen, then why are you never prepared? What is a man who doesn’t listen to him own self? Is that obeying, obedient, caring, loving…?

Do you realize how much time and effort we put into preparing ourselves for what we already know? Who has to teach you about (((human rights)))? Does, do any of our systems support (((human rights)))? What about Native Americans, African-Americans, should we even consider them? Why the difference, if we never admit the difference between what you did, still is doing and fail to admit? What happened to the day when we knew the difference between right and wrong, were we wrong? Until you, yourself admit, what if I never admitted, would that excuse my stupid ass? How would, could I ever know about domestic violence and abuse?

How do I discern the difference between a terrorist and a terrorist? It’s okay for you to terrorize me, but all hell breaks loose if I did the same to you? It’s okay for you to have been an ex-racist..., but strictly forbidden for me to tell your stupid ass any damn thing? What kinda shit is that? You know everything and tell me, I know … If we never had them, then what are we teaching? Do I qualify! Just exactly what does it take to be a good Christian and are you, can you do it? What do good Christians do to bad Christians? Then, why  hasn’t it happened? Whose side are you really on?

What about a man who thinks he’s always right, when he already knows, he’s really wrong? Though, we’re wrong far more times than right, why do you act the other way? How does a monkey see himself? What does he do when, if he’s never satisfied with what he sees? Does adorning himself make him any different? Is it me or you?

Systems built upon violence and abuse, how do you respond? Cowardice is the greatest vice, then what is it when you don’t know, but every bone in your body tells you this is wrong? What is it when you go along with the program anyway? We’re innocent children raised to be violent and abusive Adults.

You ask where did we lose it? It was somewhere between seeking “Equal Rights and raising our children to the educational standards of a people who refuse to accept us as we are. The proof being  immigrants workers, not educated and of totally different religious views being able to build businesses and communities for which we are denied.

Is our religion a taught thing pitting us against one another? What’s wrong with people who do not believe as you? Where is the place for “misfits”? Who decides if you are a misfit?

How do the same people who deny us, validate us? How is that? How does predator live in harmony with prey? How does a single lion steal and kill a cape buffalo from a herd of hundreds? Is that the sacrifice we must make in order to keep peace? Is it a “better him than me” mentality?

How do we become ONE, with our God? The magic of the seasons never end and the greatest gifts are family and friends.

(((your inner

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YOUR inner voice

Right here, Right now.


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YOUR inner voice

Right here, Right now.


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