Most Black people don't give a shit and rightfully so because of the way America has historically treated them so. At one point in my life, I had aspirations of becoming a President until I realized how remote, then how corrupt presidential politics really are, especially towards my people.
Why would any man want to be president of something that's not honorable? Why would any man want to be president of something bringing more harm than good?
I can see how a hyena would want to be president of a lion pride but cannot understand why? Why would a lion want to be president of a group of hyenas, when he is already their greatest threat.
Why would a Black American want to be president of KKK? No every KKK member is a racist, but why are they in there? Where is the honor in that? Black Americans are just as corrupt as the White American they complain about, going along to get along. What other choices do a Black American have.
(((your inner
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