Hatred In America 2024

Art in grave

Why Am I Writing This

Are we born to interact, with whom and for what? What do you want to support, who? How do you resolve disputes within your circles?

Are the things you argue even worth it?

I am warming up to share a most recent, very serious experience, I never dreamed would happen to me? It's hurts, very disappointing, self-destructive and if I don't share it for my own edification, I will be forever be the same.

If anyone is secretly beating your ass, would you help them keep it quite? Would you be too intimidated to express your dismay?

The violence and abuse being experienced, do you think it's justifiable?

ASPD/Antisocial personality disorder, sometimes called sociopathy, is a mental health condition in which a person consistently shows no regard for

NPD/Narcissistic personality disorder is a mental health condition in which people have an unreasonably high sense of their own importance. They need and seek too much attention and want people to admire them. People with this disorder may lack the ability to understand or care about the feelings of others.

PPS/Peter Pan Syndrome is a pop psychology term used to describe an adult who is socially immature. It refers to “never-growing” adults who have reached an adult age, but cannot face their adult sensations and responsibilities. It is a metaphor, based on the concept of not growing up and being trapped in childhood.

Does any of this shit have to do with human nature? Does being human mean taking the advantage of other human beings? Do you get a high from this dominating behavior?

Why, is it getting better or worse?

Just depends on how you view yourself? Life throws lots of curves, why would you want to throw one to yourself? Is it wise to refuse truth because it hurts? What's the goal here, better or worse?

For the sake of time, let's discuss one, worse. Do you enjoy being dirty as much as being clean? What about being happy over being sad?

Keep in mind some derive pleasure from levying pain.

Where does hatred start, why

Where does hatred of any type start? It starts at home and within you. Wrath/extreme anger, a desire to punish anyone but that punishment starts with punishing yourself. Is hatred a needed and/or a desired emotion?

Though we are the same, why are we different? Diversity is a constant state in nature, we did not ask to be who we are, we become what we choose to believe. Are you a human cannibal?

Can Nature be fooled?

Hate for Profit


YOUR inner voice

Right here, Right now.


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