There are two sides to every story and this one is the one least told.
The Cane Grinding Festival is a "must see" of the lost Art of what brought America to where she is today. This has been an annual event carried on for more thirty years. There must have been events 20 or more events portraying the lifestyles and ways of yesterday. It makes you wonder if today is right and is this progress? Too Much of the Wrong Information
Danny and his host of very energetic supporters are to be commended for their success in delivering an authentic and moving rendition of days gone by.
While attending The Danny Harden's annual Cane Grinding and Syrup Making Festival, Clyo, Ga, 14 November 2015, I had the very distinct pleasure of meeting another fine gentleman, Mr. Gilbert Walker Jr., Blacksmith.
Although you see my photo, don't be fooled, I've an aspiring Blacksmith and this is my very first real-world opportunity and that's what I'm doing in the Blacksmith shop. However, not to be confused with the more than thirty years of experience offered by Mr. Walker, he is a legend in his own right. Below are just a few photos of some of his work.
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In my chat with Mr. Walker: Growing up in Savannah, GA, he's an Investigator with the District Attorney's office. Inaddition Mr. Walker is a very talented artist with a passion for preserving the lost art of his people, the Gullah people along the coast. He tells history as he forge his will upon the elements. His business is his life story, spotlighting the maker, supporting the locals and celebrates to handmade.
Until next time, it has been my pleasure.
(((your inner
Toubakolong Partnership, Ogbonna Mossi,
Right here, Right now.
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I would love to visit the blacksmith shop, what is the address
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