Generational Healing for Generational BondageHow can that be? Where is The clean source of energy from within![]() Where does Art come up with all this bullshit? I think of Americans VACATIONING, AT THE RACES, SPORTING EVENTS, TV, GAMES, JUST 12 YEARS of MANDATORY EDUCATION,,, Now, does any of this shit make sense? How can you go on vacation from all the shit you keep creating? If we really did things right, there would be no need for vacations because our lives would be one-great-vacation. We see the grass as greener on the other side. Generational Healing for Generational Bondage The clean source of energy, from within? What and who in our world we can count on when the going gets rough? You are a generational healer for Generational Bondage. Overlooking one of the most important clean sources of energy. Amongst all your many responsibilities, at any given time, you are a generational healer. Many have given up on this simple but most important task, therefore fail to realize and often overlook the most obvious clean source of energy. Hence, we fail to apply it, utilize it and realize the full potential of the powers from within. In doing so, we perceive ourselves as much weaker than we actually are, therefore becoming a more dependent people on things and method giving false senses of hope, safety and security. Just ask a former slave. The idea being to improve upon what we have received. However, in every case we have gone backwards. Does not this tell you something? Further, we use selective improvements to justify, never saying or showing signs of remorse. Of all the things for which we are working and searching, they are right here at us, just waiting to be actioned, the biggest of which is: “Being Freed from Generational Bondage”. Sometimes I think on how wonderful it must have been when the first settlers arrived in America? Can you imagine a land and a people so great, that another people embraced it so? Pass that, I will not discuss all the negativity surrounding how we went about Thanking Them. But I will point it out because that tells us how much we need to change. That tells us how many layers of onion skin we must peel off to get to the core of our problems. That tells us, nothing will ever change until we correct what we have wronged. But if you do not know, you will panic and run away. Generational Healing is a restoration process originating in the deepest part of our consciousness. Does it really matter from where it comes or is it just the fact that it is there and is the foundation for all we do or fail to do? How can we move forward, when we do not agree? How can we discover a clean source of energy when we fail to harness the greatest energy source within? Generational Healing for Generational Bondage. Recognizing this, you'll discover the hidden meanings and mysteries in life that have been pushed aside and ignored. We will see resources and support available, if we can recognize the value of what is being offered, just as with our ancestors. It is a fool who thinks he knows everything. Our very poor family and societal values, which put us in bondage, will now free us and we can enjoy living in peace and harmony. You are one person who has taken on the role to heal the generations of broken emotions, in and around yourself, a role which can be very lonely and heavy at times. Do see this role as all is against you by taking it personal, but that you are the one at this time, who can bring about positive change. Thank yourself for taking on this role and know there is tremendous help for you from the other side. Upon this realization, the heaviest work has been done and you will reap the benefits. Thank you for making a tremendous difference at home and in this world. You cannot know how important the work you are doing is. But it is. In all our self proclaim wisdom, What we really want is the freedom to “be” our selves without fear of being judged or abandoned. Acknowledge your feelings, even if they are irrational; and discover desires you never knew existed. Not fully knowing ourselves, how can we expect to know or judge another person or situation. Coachfully yours,,, (((your inner voice.com))) Country Boys, we don figured out a new reason to vote! |