Ever Lived in a racist environment

Art in grave

Ever tried Living your best life in a racially motivated society?

Can you be an intelligent in a racist society? Can you grow intellectually in a racist society? How do you describe white jobs, black jobs, red jobs, yellow jobs...? Why must you do more for one than the other, do you practice this with your children?

You have to tell an American that another human is just as human as they are? We have to ask, march, plead, beg... to be treated as a human being? What kind of people is this? You need a NAACP, KKK...Judge? That White Supremacy equates to Communism/Nazism, a sick, confused and decadent people, full of pride and complacency, introverted, morally weak and low oppressive system.

Is your wife entitled to "separate but equal"?

How would I know? Really, if you ever lived in the good ole USA, would you know? Would you say, it better than any other country? Guess it depends on who you ask. What about the Indigenous People? What about Chinese Americans, Mexicans, Latinos... guess this ain't a concern because we all live more harmonious than other countries, but if you ask a victim of any of these racially motivated crimes, one would be in disbelief, go off to themselves and pray for peace.

All is well, as long as the target is not on your back. Someone like this can easily say, it's not as bad as living in some place like Haiti. But, when the target on your back is bigger, larger than others in your area, you act like abused animals. Battered women, no matter the race, would know this feeling more. It is total hell living with a person who exhibits any of the following symptoms, Antisocial personality disorder, Narcissistic Personality disorder and/or Peter Pan syndrome.

Being a second-class citizen in your own country, well I guess this may lead to a Caste system, where one may find a reason to treat another people even less than a human.

I take serious issue with any American who believes they have never experienced racism and the ugly effects of it. We grew-up with Blacks, Indigenous People, Latinos and we never had a problem? I respond with, you never had a problem but what about them?

Diversity, Equal employment, Segregation, Indian Reservations... I guess all of this just skipped right by your neck of the woods.

All of my young life, I remember my parents grooming me for a dog eat dog world. We even went to church and prayed in vain for better days and I had White, Cuban and Native friends. There was always some shit and a shit-head to spoil a nice time.

Constantly living in a state of fear, wondering when it was going to be your turn to buy an automobile, a house, utilities, loan, benefits and some can assimilate so well, they feel as if they've become one with the perpetrator, therefore, now can differentiate between the dominant race and minorities. Is there such a thing or is it that person who thinks he/she can beat you ass and get away with it. Imagine a society which sanctions one race, who can at will whip the ass of another without consequence.

One American to another American or is one subservient to the other? In a racist society, the floor of one race is the ceiling to the other.

(((your inner voice)))

Hatred in America

Your second block of text...

YOUR inner voice

Right here, Right now.


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