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Pulling Through
July 13, 2007

Pulling Through

"Too many excuses today, may cost you later down the road."

Two types of voices constantly vie for my attention. One proclaims my strengths; the other proclaims my failures. Cries of joy or cries of pain, both are inevitable. One longs to build me up; the other seeks to tear me down.

Sometimes the pain is so great; I don’t know what to do. Does that mean I was not prepared?

I choose which voice to obey.

In my time of pain, I think not on myself but those that are much worse. Victims, survivors and over-comers of serious accidents. They know how to pull through.

Given the same situation we do not know how we will respond, but practice makes better.

Start now! Turn a deaf ear to evil voices. Open a wide eye to the new choices. We are only a prayer away from a “nevertheless” or “against all odds”. Po as Joe’s turkey, “nevertheless” they pulled together for a winfall. Against all odds, they pulled through.

Looking for a good partner but failing to be one…TGIF

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