
Absolute darkness!

Absolute Darkness by Divine Design?

Oh say can I see? Can you really see! Wars and rumors of wars? or Peace and Joy to the world!

“Give a person a fish and you feed them for a day; teach that person to use the Internet and they won't bother you for weeks.” Cyber space! Teach a person how to fish, and you feed them for a lifetime.

It really does not take light in order to better see and because you can physically see does not mean you will better perform?

Born into darkness, why do I desire light? Everything belongs to mother earth, why do I have to pay? Because I want one like yours, I will pay the price. This earth does not belong to us, it belongs to our children. Everything we do, we do for them. Are you living in your own light?

If it was not for darkness there would be no need for light? Darkness is the absence of light. By divine design, can not manipulate darkness, only the light.

The absence of light marks the end of our work day. Darkness limits our ability to see, causing us to slow our pace and strains most of our efforts.

We easily become confused. We feel most vulnerable in darkness and are drawn closer together. Some just straight-out fear darkness. Predators often use the cover of darkness to help surprise their prey. Time to take a nap.

There is something mystical and evil about darkness? It is sought-of-like we are tormented by the absence of light.

Because we are diurnal versus nocturnal we are not comfortable operating in darkness and wait on light. Fire was not quite good enough for man and created he created his own light. For that light, we pay for more opportunities to work and play.

It is in your most vulnerable moments you receive some of your best insight. They are some of your most valuable lessons and they can only be learned in the dark. Creating and living in your own light, you will soon fall in torment?

When you are in darkness, by divine design, you don't have to fear. To you darkness shines as bright as day - achieving stunning victories and weathering shocking defeats. I was blind but now I see.

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