They're easier than affairs, domestic violence and abuse. Talking about alcoholism!
Remember when women were treated as second class citizens, why? And to be a Black Woman in America, you were treated less than that. How did we get light skinned folk?
What’s a booty call? Do people really get booty calls? I believe I’ve gotten a booty call or two? I married my booty call,,, don’t do that.
Booty calls are special and just for special people and always right on time. There's nothing worse than an untimely booty call, just ask President …?
You don't have to be asked for a booty call. Single people are persecuted all the time, but married people are making all the booty calls. They're easy to mistake for love, nobody's telling the truth, even though they want the truth... Was it, is it Nature?
Do you realize how many people been killed, hurt, destroyed... all over a booty call. Shame, shame, ashame... and the old is even worse. A senior citizen booty call!
If you must ask for a booty call, you already know. Do military men get booty calls? WEre you having these kind of conversations all the time, there wouldn't be this little problem.
They tell you all about how special you are, but the only time they can tell that is late at night. There seems to be a special kind of magic. Every once and while you think about… Your special booty call, who decides!
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